HQ 200 pts ------------ •Karandras - 200 pts TROOPS 215 pts ------------ •Dire Avengers x5 - 65 pts -exarch 10 pts 75 pts •Dire Avengers x5 - 65 pts -exarch 10 pts 75 pts •Dire Avengers x5 - 65 pts 65 pts ELITES 195 pts ------------ •Striking Scorpions x5 - 85 pts -exarch 10 pts - biting blade 5 pts 100 pts •Striking Scorpions x5 - 85 pts -exarch 10 pts 95 pts TRANSPORT 250 pts ------------ •Wave Serpent 110 pts -holofields 15 pts 125 pts •Wave Serpent 110 pts -holofields 15 pts 125 pts HEAVY SUPPORT 140 pts ------------ •Fire Prism 125 pts -holofields 15 pts 140 pts 1000 pts ------------------------------------------------- warlord trait : one use only. start of one shooting or assault phase, declare. duration of phase, warlord and all friendlies within 12" re-reoll To Wound rolls of 1. Karandras •Phoenix Armour : 2+ armour •Scorpion chainsword •scorpion's claw •plasma grenades -ancient doom -battle focus : shoot and run, or run and shoot -eternal warrior : immune to effects of instant death -fearless -fleet : re-roll run dice -independent character -infiltrate : deploy last, more than 12" from enemy model or within sight of enemy models, or more than 18" away even in plain sight -move through cover -night vision -shadowstrike : if infiltrates, has shrouded until fights/shoots/overwatches (+2 cover saves) -stealth : +1 cover saves -hunter's strike : if karandras reserved, auto arrives 2nd turn and can move on from any table edge. If joining a unit of striking scorps during deploy, they benefit from this rule too. •Scorpion's Bite : fight sub-phase, start of initiative 10 step, roll d6. 2+ an enemy engaged with karandas = single wound no armour saves gargantuan creatures on a 4+ with no armour saves. DIRE AVENGERS •Aspect Armour : 4+ armour •Avenger Shuriken Catapult •Plasma Grenades -ancient doom -battle focus -fleet -defensive tactics : when target of a charge, either fire Overwatch at BS 2 or gain counter-attack() + stubborn() until end of phase without overwatch -battle fortune(exarch) : 4+ invulnerable save STRIKING SCORPIONS •heavy aspect armour : 3+ armour •shuriken pistol •scorpion chainsword •plasma grenades •mandiblaster : initative 10 step, d6 for each mandiblaster. on 4+, enemy engaged with these suffer a wound. guargantuan creatures at a 6+ -ancient doom -battle focus -fleet -infiltrate -move through cover -stealth -shadowstrike : if infiltrates, has shrouded until fights/shoots/overwatches -stalker(exarch) : first round of challenge, 1 bonus attack for each pt of higher initiative than foe WAVE SERPENT •twin-linked shuriken cannon •twin-linked shuriken catapult •serpent shield : all pen hits on front or side are drowngraded to glancing on a d6 of 2+ (removes serpent shield for rest of game) - 24" S6 AP- assault 2D6, ignore cover, one use only, strikedown strikedown : (if unsaved wounds or passes saves, halves its initiative + moves as if in difficult terrain until end of next turn, no vehicles or monstrous creatures) -tank, fast(+skimmer, move up to 18" flat out), skimmer (jink), tansport -holofields : 5+ invulnerable saves unless immobilised FIRE PRISM •prism cannon •twin-linked shuriken catapult -tank, fast, skimmer -holofields