TROOPS Dire Avengers (5) - 65 -exarch 10 pts - twin linked avenger shuriken catapult 5 pts 80pts ELITES Howling Banshees (6) - 90 pts -exarch 10 pts - executioner 10pts - shield of grace 10pts 120pts ------------ 200pts DIRE AVENGERS Aspect Armour / Heavy Aspect Armour Avenger shuriken catapult Plasma Grenades ancient doom battle focus counter-attack fleet BANSHEES Aspect Armour / Heavy Aspect Armour Shuriken Pistol Power Sword Exectutioner Banshee Mask Acrobatic - add 3" to run Ancient Doom Battle Focus Fleet Shield of Grace - exarch if choose to defend before initiative 10 step, +3 invulnerable until end of phase, but can only make 1 attack