HQ 2 ---------------- Farseer - 100pts -singing spear 5pts -runes of witnessing 15pts -shard of anaris 40pts 160pts Avatar of Khaine - 195pts -fast shot 10pts -crushing blow 10pts 215pts 375pts TROOPS ---------------- Dire Avengers - 10 models - 130pts -exarch 10 pts -power sword + shuriken pistol 15pts 155 pts Dire Avengers - 10 models - 130pts -exarch 10 pts -power sword + shuriken pistol 15pts 155 pts Dire Avengers - 10 models - 130pts -exarch 10pts -power weapon + shimmer shield 20pts 155pts Rangers 6 models 72pts 537pts TRANSPORTS ---------------- Wave Serpent 115 pts -twin-linked bright lance 5pts -holo-fields 15pts 135pts Wave Serpent 115 pts -twin-linked bright lance 5pts -holo-fields 15pts 135pts 270pts ELITES 3 ---------------- Fire Dragons 5 models 110pts -exarch 10pts - firepike 15pts -fast shot 10pts 145 pts Wraithblades 6 models 192pts - ghost axe and forceshields 0 pts 192pts 337pts FAST ATTACK 3375 ---------------- Crimson Hunter - 160 pts -exarch 20 pts -marksman's eye 10pts 190 pts HEAVY SUPPORT 2 ---------------- Wraithknight - 240pts -ghostglaive + scattershield 10pts - 2 starcannons 40pts 290pts 1999pts -------------------- Farseer •rune armour •shuriken pistol •singing spear •ghosthelm •ancient doom •battle focus •fleet •psyker 3 (divination, runes of rate, telepathy) •runes of witnessing - one use only. if fail psychic test, re-roll test •shards of anaris - S+2 -AP Melee, Rending, Vaul's Work (fearless, in challenge attacks made 18with this fleshbane + instant death) --------------------------------------- Avatar •the wailing doom - ranged 12" S8 AP1 Assault 1, Melta / melee -" S user AP1 Melee •ancient doom •battle focus •daemon = 5+ invuln, fear (fight phase, unit in base contact must take leadership test) •fearless •fleet •khaine awakened - all friendly units within 12" are fearless •molten body - not affected by flamer, pryomancy, melta or soul blaze •fast shot- add 1 to attack •crushing blow - +1 strength ------------------------------------------ Dire Avenger •aspect/heavy aspect armour •avenger shuriken catapult •plasma grenades •ancient doom •battle focus •counter-attack •fleet -exarch •power sword •shuriken pistol •shimmershield ------------------------------------------ Rangers •mesh armour •ranger long rifle •shuriken pistol •ancient doom •battle focus •fleet •infiltrate •move through cover •stealth ------------------------------------------ Wave Serpent •twin-linked bright lance •twin-linked shuriken catapult •serpent shield ------------------------------------------ Fire Dragons •heavy aspect armour •fusion gun •melta bombs •ancient doom •battle focus •fleet -exarch •firepike •fast shot ------------------------------------------ Wraithblades •ghostaxe and forceshield (unwieldy) (4+ invuln) •ancient doom •bulky •fearless ------------------------------------------ Crimson Hunter •two bright lances •pulse laser •perfect strike •skyhunter •vector dancer - can make additional pivot of up to 90 degress at end of turn, cannot fly flat out in the following phase •marksman's eye ------------------------------------------ Wraithknight •ghostglaive and scattershield •starcannon --------------------------------------------- Telepathy - Psychic Shriek - 1 charge •witchfire power with a range of 12". Roll 3D6 and subtract the target's Leadership - the target unit suffers a number of Wounds equal to the result. Amour and cover saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by Psychic Shriek. Runes of Fate - Guide - 1 charge •range 24". cast on friendly unit, can re-roll shooting to hit rolls. Runes of Fate - Mind War - 1 charge •24" farseer and target roll d6 and add their leadership. If target scores higher, farseer has weapon and ballistic skill 1 until end of next turn. if the scores are drawn, target has weapon and ballistic skill 1 until end of turn. If farseer scores higher, the target suffers a number of wounds equal to the difference between the two scores and has weapon and ballistic skill 1 until next turn. no armour or cover saves allowed against mind war. --------------------------------------------- the warlord re-rolls all saving throw results of 1.