ELDRAD Shuriken Pistol - 12" S4 AP 5, Pistol, Bladestorm(when rolls a 6 to wound, target automaticall wounded and wound reseolved at AP2) Witchblade - melee, armourbane, fleshbane Ghosthelm - if suffer unsaved wound from perils of the warp, can prevent it by spending 1 warp charge point Runes of Warding - one use only. before a deny the witch roll, +2 modifier to dice roll Runes of Witnessing - one use only. if fail psychic test, re-roll test Armour of Last Runes - 3+ Invulnerable Save Staff of Ulthamar - Melee, Spiritlink(when passing psychic test, roll d6, on 5 or 6 regain warp charge point), Fleshbane, Force An Eye on Distant Events - one use only. start of an enemy shooting phase, for duration of phase, warlord and all friendly eldar units within 12" have stealth Ancient Doom - hatred(daemons of slaanesh or models with mark of slaanesh) Battle Focus - can shoot and then run or run and then shoot in shooting phase Fleet - can reroll 1 or more dice when preparing to run or a single dice when running Independent Character Psyker Mastery Level 4 Eldritch Storm Mind War Doom Guide DIRE AVENGERS Aspect Armour (Heavy Aspect Armour for Exarch) Avenger Shuriken Catapult - 18" S4 AP5, Assault 2, Bladestorm Plasma Grenades Ancient Doom Battle Focus Counter-attack Fleet FIRE DRAGONS Heavy Aspect Armour Fusion Gun - 12" S 8 AP 1, Assault 1, Melta Melta Bomb Firepike(exarch) - 18" S8 AP 1, Assault 1 Melta Ancient Doom Battle Focus Fleet Fastshot(exarch) - model fires one extra shot for his weapon HEMLOCK Two heavy D-scythes - 18" S4 AP2, Assault 1, Blast, Distort Mindshock pod - all successful morale or pinning tests within 12" must be re-rolled. Spirit Stones - ignores crew shaken results on a roll of 2+ and crew stunned on roll 4+ Psychic pilot - leadership 10 for purpose of psychic test, if suffer perils of the warp, treat as glancing hit Psyker master 1(terrify) vector dancer - can make additional pivot of up to 90 degress at end of turn, cannot fly flat out in the following phase CRIMSON HUNTER Two bright lances Pulse laser Perfect Strike - any to hit roll of a 6 made by this model in shooting phase is precision shot Skyhunter - reroll armour penetration rolls that do not cause a glancing or penetrating hit against flyers Vector Dancer Marksman's Eye - precision shots on a 5+ rather than 6 FIRE PRISM Prism Cannon - 60" (look at chart!!!!) Shuriken Cannon - 24" S6 AP 5, Assault 3, Bladestorm Tank Fast Skimmer WRAITHLORD Two Shuriken Catapults - 12" S4 AP 5 Assault 2, Bladestorm Bright Lance - 36" S8 AP 2, Heavy 1, Lance Eldar Missle Launcher - 48" (3 types, look at reference) Ancient Doom Fearless Monstrous Creature NIGHT SPINNER Doomweaver - S7 AP 6 dispersed(48" Heavy 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Monofilament, Pinning) focussed(template, heavy 1, monofilament, torrent) Twin-linked shuriken catapult Tank Fast Skimmer Monofilament - if the target's majority Initiative is 3 or lower, or the target has no Initiative characteristic, then Hits from a weapon with this special rule are resolved at a +1 Strength. If two or more Initiative characteristics are tied for majority, use the highest of those tied values. Additionally, if a 6 is rolled To Wound, with this weapon, the target is wounded automatically and the Wound is resolved at AP1.