750pts -------------------------------------- HQ ------------------- 80 pts Wolf Guard Battle Leader - 70 pts Combi-flamer 10 pts Mark of the Wulfen 15 pts Saga of the Hunter 10 pts 80 pts ELITES ------------------- 215 Wolf Guard Pack - 90 pts 5 Terminator - 75 pts 5 wolf claws - 50 pts 215 pts TROOPS ------------------- 200 Grey Hunters Pack - (5) - 75 pts 1 Mark of the Wulfen - 15 pts 1 plasma gun - 10 pts 100 pts Grey Hunters Pack - (5) - 75 pts 1 Mark of the Wulfen - 15 pts 1 plasma gun - 10 pts 100 pts FAST ATTACK ------------------- HEAVY SUPPORT ------------------- 95 Whirlwind - 85 pts Hunter Killer missle - 10 pts 95 pts TRANSPORTS ------------------- 135 Drop Pod (for wolf guard) - 35 pts Razorback - 40 pts Hunter killer missle 10 pts 50 pts Razorback - 40 pts Hunter killer missle 10 pts 50 pts 750 pts ---------------------------- WOLF GUARD BATTLE LEADER Power Armour Combi-flamer (Boltgun primary, flamer just once) Close Combat Weapon Frag and Krak Grenades And They Shall Know No Fear - passes tests to regroup, if caught by sweeping advance, not destroyed but remain locked in combat, immune to fear Independent Character Acute Senses - if outflank, can re-roll what edge of table arriving Counter-Attack - if charged, take leadership test, if successful, they get +1 attacks until end of phase Mark of the Wulfen - rending in close combat, D6+1 attacks, using claws and teeth only Saga of the Hunter - reserve at beginning, outflank, stealth WOLF GUARD PACK Terminator Armour Storm Bolter Wolf Claw And They Shall Know No Fear Acute Senses Counter-Attack GREY HUNTER PACK Power Armour Close Combat Weapon Bolt Pistol Bolter Frag and Krak Grenade Plasma Gun And They Shall Know No Fear Acute Senses Counter-Attack Mark of the Wulfen WHIRLWIND Whirlwind Multiple Missle Launchers Searchlight - night fighting to pick a target if night fighting, but then any other unit can fire without night fighting Hunter Killer Missles RAZORBACK Twin-linked Heavy Bolter Smoke Launchers Searchlight Hunter Killer Missles DROP POD Storm Bolter Inertial Guidance System - if scatters on impassable terrain or another model, reduce the scatter distance by the minimum to avoid obstacle. Immobile Drop Pod Assault - deep strike