Dire Avengers 65 pts •Exarch 10 pts - Twin-linked avenger shuriken catapult 5 pts 80 pts Harlequins 90 pts • Shadowseer 30 pts 120 pts ------------------------------------- Dire Avengers •Heavy Aspect Armour - 3+ Armour save •Aspect Armour 4+ Armour save •Avenger Shuriken Catapult •Plasma Grenades - 8" S2 AP 4 •Ancient Doom •Battle Focus - Shoot and then run or run and then shoot •Counter-attack - when charged, must take leadership test. if successful, +1 to attack until end of phase •Fleet - re-roll run dice Harlequins •Holo-suit - 5+ invulnerable save •Shuriken Pistol - 12" S4 AP5 Pistol, Bladestorm •Close combat weapon - S User AP- Melee •Flip belt - not slowed by difficult terrain •Hallucinogen Grenades - •Fleet •Furious Charge - when charging, +1 strength •Hit & Run - can choose to leave close combat at end of any assault phase in initiative test. if passed, choose direction and then roll 3D6. if its then more than 1" away from any enemy unit, breaks away. consolidate D6" •Veil of Tears - any enemy unit targetting this unit must roll 2D6 and multiply by 2. If unit not within this distance, enemy unit may not fire this turn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windrider Jetbike Squad 51pts •1 shuriken catapult 10 pts 61 pts Windrider Jetbike Squad 51pts •1 shuriken catapult 10 pts 61 pts 78