HQ - 2 - 425 pts ------ Farseer - 100 pts -singing spear 5 pts -runes of warding 10 pts -runes of witnessing 15 pts -eldar jetbike 15 pts -spirit stone of anath'lan 15pts -mantle of the laughing god 40 pts 200 pts Avatar of Khaine - 195 pts -fast shot 10 pts -crushing blow 10 pts 215 pts TROOPS - 6 - 715 pts ------ Dire Avengers (10) - 130 pts -exarch 10 pts -battle fortune 15 pts 155 pts Dire Avengers (10) - 130 pts -exarch 10 pts 140 pts Dire Avengers (10) - 130 pts -exarch 10 pts 140 pts Dire Avengers (10) - 130 pts -exarch 10 pts 140 pts Dire Avengers (10) - 130 pts -exarch 10 pts 140 pts TRANSPORTS - 675 ------ Wave Serpent - 115 pts -twin-linked bright lance - 5 pts -holo-fields 15 pts 135 pts Wave Serpent - 115 pts -twin-linked bright lance - 5 pts -holo-fields 15 pts 135 pts Wave Serpent - 115 pts -twin-linked bright lance - 5 pts -holo-fields 15 pts 135 pts Wave Serpent - 115 pts -twin-linked bright lance - 5 pts -holo-fields 15 pts 135 pts Wave Serpent - 115 pts -twin-linked bright lance - 5 pts -holo-fields 15 pts 135 pts ELITES - 940 ------ Wraithguard (10) - 320 pts - 5 d-scythes 50 pts 370 pts Wraithblades (10) - 320 pts - ghost axe + forceshield 320 pts Firedragons (10) - 220 pts -exarch 10 pts -dragon's breath flamer -fast shot 10 pts -iron resolve 10 pts 250 pts FAST ATTACK - 3 - 640 ------ Shining Spears (9) - 225 pts -exarch 10 pts -star lance 10pts -hit and run 15pts 260pts Crimson Hunter - 160 pts -exarch 20 pts -starcannons 0 pts -marksman's eye 10 pts 190 pts Crimson Hunter - 160 pts -exarch 20 pts -marksman's eye 10 pts 190 pts HEAVY SUPPORT - 3 - 605 ------ Wraithknight - 240 pts -suncannon + scattershield - 40 pts -shuriken cannon 15pts -starcannon 20pts 315 pts Night Spinner - 115 pts -shuriken cannon 10 pts -holo-fields 15 pts 140 pts Fire Prism - 125 pts -shuriken cannon 10 pts -holo-fields 15 pts 150 pts ------ Divide to Conquer Whilst your warlord is alive, your opponent has a -l modifier to Reserves rolls.