Dire Avengers (5) - 65 -exarch 10 pts 75pts Striking Scorpions (5) - 85 -exarch 10 pts -scorpion's claw 30pts 125 pts -------------------- Dire Avengers 4+ armour save / 3+ exarch avenger shuriken catapult plasma grenade ancient doom battle focus counter-attack fleet ------------- Striking Scorpions 3+ armour save scorpion's claw (exarch) / shuriken pistol scorpion chainsword plasma grenades mandiblasters battle focus fleet infiltrate move through cover stealth ---------------------------------------------- Dire Avengers (6) -exarch 10 pts 88pts Howling Banshees (6) -exarch 10 pts -two mirrorswords 10pts 110 pts -------------------- Dire Avengers 4+ armour save / 3+ exarch avenger shuriken catapult plasma grenade ancient doom battle focus counter-attack fleet ------------- Howling Banshees 4+ armour save / 3+ exarch shuriken pistol power sword mirrorsword (exarch) banshee mask acrobatic ancient doom battle focus fleet ---------------------------------------------- Dire Avengers (5) -exarch 10 pts -twin-linked avenger shuriken catapult 5pts 80pts Warp Spiders (5) - 95 -exarch 10 pts -twin-linked death spinner 5 pts -fast shot 10pts 120 pts --------- Dire Avengers 4+ armour save / 3+ exarch avenger shuriken catapult plasma grenade ancient doom battle focus counter-attack fleet ------------- Warp Spiders 3+ armour save death spinner / twin-linked (exarch) warp jump generator jet pack infantry - 6" movement, D6 shooting run, 2D6 assault if not in combat warp jump - movement phase, 6 + 2d6", if roll is a double, unit splats. cannot use when falling back. ancient doom battle focus fleet hit & run - can leave combat at the end of assault phase (initiative test), if pass, 3D6" fast shot - extra attack