HQ Asurmen - 220 pts TROOPS Dire Avengers (10 models) - 130 pts -exarch 10 pts - diresword + shuriken pistol 20pts 160 pts Dire Avengers (10 models) - 130 pts -exarch 10 pts - power sword + shuriken pistol 15pts 155 pts Rangers - (5 models) - 60 pts ELITES Fire Dragons - 110 pts (5 models) -exarch 10 pts -firepike 15 pts - fast shot 10 pts - iron resolve 5pts 150 pts Fire Dragons - 110 pts (5 models) -exarch 10 pts -firepike 15 pts - fast shot 10 pts - iron resolve 5pts 150 pts FAST ATTACK Crimson Hunter - 160 pts HEAVY Wraithknight - 240 pts -ghostglaive + scattershield - 10pts -2x starcannon - 40 pts 290 pts Falcon - 125 pts (6 max capacity) -bright lance 10 pts -holo-fields 15 pts 150 pts 1495 ---------------------------------------------------- Asurmen 2+ armour save twin-linked avenger shuriken catapult sword of asur - 0 range, S +1, AP 2, Melee, Master-crafted(reroll 1 failed roll to hit per turn), soulrazor (when model sufferes 1 or more unsaved wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate leadership test for each wound suffered or be removed from play) ancient doom battle focus - 6" in movement, then in shooting, run and then shoot or shoot and then run counter-attack - when charged, must take leadership test. if successful, +1 to attack until end of phase eternal warrior fearless fleet - can reroll 1 or more dice when preparing to run or a single dice when running hand of asuryan - asurmen must be warlord. D3 warlord traits from the elder table independent char battle fortune - 4+ invulnerable save shield of grace - in a challenge, can choose to defend gaining 3+ invulnerable save until end of phase. if he does so, can only make a single attack this phase. must declare at the start of the challenge ------------------- Dire Avengers 4+ armour save / exarch 3+ avenger shuriken catapult diresword - soulrazor power sword shuriken pistol plasma grenades ancient doom battle focus counter-attack fleet ------------------- Rangers +5 armour save ranger long rifle - sniper (rending) shuriken pistol ancient doom battle focus fleet infiltrate move through cover stealth ------------------- Fire Dragons +3 armour save fusion gun firepike melta bombs ancient doom battle focus fleet iron resolve - +1 to leadership fast shot - add an extra attack to this model (exarch) for ranged ------------------- Crimson Hunter 2 bright lances Pulse laser Skyhunter - reroll armour pen rolls that do not cause glancing or pen hits Vector Dancer - on movement, turn 90 degrees, move min 18" then can turn again ------------------- Wraithknight - jump monstrous 3+ armour save ghostglaive - master-crafted scattershield - 5+ invulnerable save, on a save, all units within 6" must pass blind test 2x starcannon ancient doom fearless jump - can move up to 12" in movement, or reroll charge distance. falls back 3d6 if has to run. bulky + deep strike ------------------- Falcon tank, fast, skimmer, transport pulse laser bright lance twin-linked shuriken catapult holo-fields - if vehicle moved, gains +1 cover save ---------------------------------------------- Falcon - 125 pts (6 max capacity) -bright lance 10 pts -holo-fields 15 pts 150 pts