HQ ----------------------- Farseer •Rune armour: 4+ invulnerable •Singing Spear: 12" S4 AP5 Assault 2 Bladestorm(on a 6 to wound, wounded automatically at AP2) / Sx2 AP2 Melee •Uldanorethi Long Rifle: 120" SX AP3 Heavy 1 Sniper(wounds on a 4) •Ghosthelm: If a model with a ghosthelm suffers and unsaved wound from Perils, can prevent it by spending a Warp Charge point. •Ancient Doom:slaanesh thing •Battle Focus: shoot and run or vice versa (not heavy weapons) •Fleet: re-roll 1 or more dice for run and charge rolls •Independent Character •Psyker Mastery Level 3 •Runes of Witnessing: one use only. if failing psychic test, can re-roll the test. Asurmen •Phoenix armour: 2+ armour •Twin-linked avenger shuriken catapult: 18" S4 AP5 Assault 2 Bladestorm •The Sword of Asur: S+1 AP2 Melee Master-crafted(re-roll one failed roll to Hit per turn) Soulrazor(when model suffers one or more unsaved wounds, must pass separate leadership test for each wound or be removed from play) •Ancient Doom •Battle Focus •Counter-attack: when charged but not already in melee, take leadership test. If successful, every model in unit with rule gets +1 attacks •Eternal Warrior: immune to instant death •Fearless:automatically pass pinning, fear and regroup tests and morale checks, cannot go to ground or fail a morale check •Fleet •Hand of Asuryan: must be warlord, 3 warlord traits re-roll duplicates •Independent Character •Battle Fortune: 4+ invulnerable •Shield of Grace: in a challenge, can choose to defend. get 3+ invulnerable but only can make a single attack. TROOPS ----------------------- Dire Avengers •Aspect Armour: 4+ armour •Heave Aspect Armour (exarch): 3+ armour •Avenger shuriken catapult •Plasma grenades: 8" S4 AP4 Assault 1 Blast •Power sword (exarch): S user AP3 Melee •Shimmershield (exarch): bearer and unit get 5+ invulnerable •Ancient Doom •Battle Focus •Counter-attack •Fleet •Shield of grace (exarch) Guardian Defender •mesh armour: 5+ armour •shuriken catapult 12`S AP5 Assault 2 Bladestorm •plasma grenades •Bright Lance Platform: T5 W1 3+ save / 36" S8 AP2 Heavy 1 Lance •Starcannon Platform: 36" S6 AP 2 Heavy 2 •Ancient doom •Battle focus •Fleet TRANSPORTS ----------------------- Wave Serpent •Twin-linked bright lance: 36" S8 AP 2 Heavy 1 Lance •Shuriken cannon: 24" S6 AP5 Assault 3 Bladestorm •Serpent shield: 60" S7 AP- Assault D6+1 Pinning Ignores Cover / D6 roll, all penetrating hits to front or sides turned to glancing •Holo-fields: if vehicle moved, +1 to cover save ELITES ----------------------- Striking Scorpion •Heavy Aspect armour: 3+ armour •Shuriken pistol (not exarch): 12" S4 AP5 Pistol(+1 to attack in assault/ becomes S user AP- Melee) Bladestorm •Scorpion chainsword (not exarch):S+1 AP6 Melee •Chainsabres (exarch): 12" S4 AP5 Assault 2 Bladestorm / S+1 AP5 Melee Rending(same as Bladestorm but each armour penetration roll of 6 allows a further D3 to be rolled, with the result added to the total.) Assault 2 •Plasma grenades •Mandiblasters: at Iniative 10 step, mandiblaster inflicts S3 AP- on enemy in base contact. not affected by reduced initiative. •Ancient Doom •Battle Focus •Fleet •Infiltrate:deployed last, can be deployed anywhere more than 12" from enemy as long as no line of sight or more than 18" away. cannot charge first turn, outflank if kept in reserve. infiltrate/outflank confers to transport that the unit is in. •Move Through Cover: moving through difficult terrain, 3D6 and pick best 2. •Stealth: + 1 cover save •Crushing blow (exarch): 1+ strength •Stalker (exarch):in challenge, can backstab. after challenge accepted, both roll D6. this model gets +1 if Initiative is higher than opponent. If this model rolls higher, re-rolls failed To Wound rolls this phase. Harlequins •Shuriken pistol (not death jester) •Close combat weapon (not death jester, troupe master):S user AP- Melee •Flip belt: not slowed by difficult terrain •Holo-suit: 5+ invulnerable •Shrieker cannon (death jester): 24" S6 AP5 Assault 3 Bladestorm Pinning •Power sword (troupe master): S user AP 3 Melee •Hallucinogen grenades (shadowseer): plasma grenades •Fusion Pistol (2): 12" S8 AP1 Assault 1 Melta(half range 2D6 on armour pen) •Fleet •Furious Charge •Hit & Run: can leave close combat if successful initiative test •Psyker Mastery 1 (shadowseer) •Veil of Tears (shadowseer): any enemy must roll 2D6X2 to target harlequines. If not within this distance, cannot be targeted. FAST ATTACK ----------------------- Shining Spears •Heavy Aspect armour: 3+ armour •Laser lance: 6" S6 AP 3 Assault 1 Lance / S+3 AP 3 Melee Impact(in fight phase, if engaged but hasnt charged, use profile of close combat weapon instead) Lance •Eldar jetbike •Star lance (exarch): 6" S8 AP2 Assault 1 Lance/ S8 AP 2 Melee Impact Lance •Ancient Doom •Battle Focus •Outflank •Skilled Rider: automatically pass dangerous terrain tests and +1 to jink cover saves •Hit & Run (exarch) •Disarming Strike (exarch 1 squad): HEAVY ----------------------- Wraithknight •Ghostglaive: S+1 AP 2 Melee Master-crafted •Scattershield: 5+ invulnerable. when one or more passed, all units within 6" must test against Blind •Scatter laser: 36" S6 AP6 Heavy 4 Laser lock •Starcannon •Ancient Doom •Fearless Vaul's Wrath Support Battery --Crew-- •Mesh armour - 5+ armour •Shuriken Catapult •Plasma Grenades •Ancient Doom •Battle Focus •Fleet --Support Weapon-- •Vibro-cannon: 48" S7 AP4 Heavy 1 Pinning Vibro(hit by 2 or more of these from same unit in a turn, strength of hits increased by 1 for each hit beyond first up to 10, AP reduced by 1 for each hit beyond first down to 1 ) •D-cannon: 24" S10 AP2 Heavy 1 Barrage(if Hit is rolled, scatter 2D6, Pinning) Blast Distort(on To Wound, rolls of 6 wound automatically, Instant Death/ armour pen roll, 6 is penetrating hit regardless of armour value)