HQ Asurmen (220 pts) Spiritseer (70 pts) TROOPS Dire Avengers (10 models) - 130 pts Exarch (10 pts) (140 pts) Dire Avengers (10 models) - 130 pts Exarch (10 pts) (140 pts) Dire Avengers (10 models) - 130 pts Exarch (10 pts) (140 pts) Wraithguard (5 models)(160 pts) TRANSPORTS Wave Serpent (115 pts) Twin-linked Bright lance (5 pts) Shuriken Cannon (10pts) (130 pts) Wave Serpent (115 pts) Twin-linked Bright lance (5 pts) (120 pts) ELITES Fire Dragons (10 models) - 220 pts Exarch (10 pts) - Firepike (15 pts) - Fast Shot (10 pts) (255 pts) Fire Dragons (10 models) - 220 pts Exarch (10 pts) - Firepike (15 pts) - Fast Shot (10 pts) (255 pts) FAST ATTACK HEAVY SUPPORT Fire Prism (125 pts) Shuriken cannon (10 pts) (135 pts) Fire Prism (125 pts) Shuriken cannon (10 pts) (135 pts) Wraithknight (240 pts) starcannon (20 pts) (260 pts) 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asurmen Phoenix Armour (2+ armour save) Twin-linked Avenger Shuriken Catapult - 18" S4 AP 5 Assault 2, Bladestorm(when rolls a 6 to wound, target automatically wounded and wound reseolved at AP2) The Sword of Asur - melee, master-crafted, soulrazor(when a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate Leadership test for each wound suffered or be removed from play) Ancient Doom - hatred(daemons of slaanesh or models with mark of slaanesh). When making Fear tests, suffer a -1 penalty to Leadership if engaged in combat with Slaanesh model. Battle Focus - can shoot and then run or run and then shoot in shooting phase Counterattack - Eternal Warrior - Fearless Fleet Hand of Asuryan - if your primary detachment includes Asurmen, he must be your warlord. When determining Warlord Traits for Asurmen, he always has D3 traits from the Eldar Warlord Table. Re-roll duplicates. Independent Character Battle Fortune(4+ invulnerable save) Shield of Grace(in any round of a challenge, this model can choose to defend, gaining a 3+ invulnerable save until the end of the phase. If he does so, he can only make a single Attack this phase. You must declare that the model is opting to defend immediately before the Initiative 10 step.) ///////Mark of the Incomparable Hunter - The Warlord has the Split Fire special rule. ///////Ambush of Blades - One use only. Declare your Warlord using this ability at the start of one of your Shooting or Assault phases. For the duration of the phase, the Warlord and all friendly units from Codex Eldar within 12" of him, re-roll 1s when rolling To Wound. Falcon's Swiftness - Warlord and his unit add D6 + 1 to Run. ----------------------------- Spiritseer Rune Armour (4+ armour save) Shuriken Pistol - 12" S4 AP 5, Pistol, Bladestorm Witch Staff - Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbande, Soul Blaze Ancient Doom Battle Focus Fleet Independent Character Psyker Master 2 Spirit Mark (any point during your movement phase, nominate single enemy unit within 12" of the spiritseer, place a counter. All wraithguard, wraithblades, wraithlords, wraithknights and hemlocks can re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 against spirit-marked units. Remove marker at end of turn.) Psyker Powers : //Protect - Whilst the power is in effect, the psyker and his unit have their Armour Saves improved by 1 (to a max of 2+). //Jinx - target a single enemy unit within 18". Whilst the power is in effect, models in the target unit cannot Run. Embolden - targets psyker. psyker and his unit have Fearless Horrify - single enemy unit within 18". all models in target unit suffer -3 modifier to Leadership Enhance - target psyker. Psyker and unit have +1 Weapon Skill and +1 Initiative. Drain - single enemy unit 18". models in target unit have -1 WS and -1 Initiative. ----------------------------- Dire Avenger Aspect Armour (Heavy Aspect Armour for Exarch) Avenger Shuriken Catapult - 18" S4 AP5, Assault 2, Bladestorm Plasma Grenades - during shooting phase : 8" S4 AP4 Assault 1 Blast (models equipped with plasma grenades dont suffer the penality of their initiative for charging enemies through cover) against vehicles or monstrous creature : 8" S4 AP4 (no assault/blast) Ancient Doom Battle Focus Counter-attack Fleet ----------------------------- Wave Serpent Twin-linked shuriken catapult - 12" S5 AP 5 Assault 2, Bladestorm Shuriken Cannon - 24" S6 AP5 Assault 3, Bladestorm Twin-linked Bright lance - 36" S8 AP2 Heavy 1, Lance Serpent Shield - All penetrating his inflicted against the front and side armour are downgraded to glancing hits on a D6 roll of 2+. In the shooting phase, the Wave Serpent can deactivate its shields to shoot a bust of energy with the following profile (treat this as a hull-mounted weapon pointing forward.) 60" S7 AP- Assault D6+1, Pinning, Ignores Cover. If this is used, shield is inactive until the start of the following turn. ----------------------------- Wraithguard Wraithcannon - 12" S10 AP2 Assault 1, Distort(on a 6 To Wound, weapon wounds automatically and has Instant Death. A 6 rolled for armour penetration automatically causes a penetrating hit.) Ancient Doom Bulky Fearless ----------------------------- Firedragons Heavy Aspect Armour Fusion Gun - 12" S 8 AP 1, Assault 1, Melta Melta Bomb - S8 AP 1 Armourbane, Unweildly Firepike(exarch) - 18" S8 AP 1, Assault 1 Melta Ancient Doom Battle Focus Fleet Fastshot(exarch) - model fires one extra shot for his weapon ----------------------------- Fireprism Prism Cannon - 60" (look at chart!!!!) Shuriken Cannon - 24" S6 AP 5, Assault 3, Bladestorm Tank Fast Skimmer ----------------------------- Wraithknight Two heavy wraithcannons - 36" S10 AP2 Assault 1, Distort Starcannon - 48" S6 AP2 Heavy 2 Ancient Doom Fearless Jump Monstrous Creature -----------------------------