TERRAIN - Defense Line (50 pts) - Wall, Up to 4 long and 4 short Aegis defense line, each part must be in base contact with at least one other section HQ Eldrad Independent Character Psychic Powers : Eldritch Storm, Fortune, Guide, Doom, Mind War Diviniation : after both sides deploy, can reposition D3 + 1 units inside deployment zone Spirit Stones : can use 2 psychic attacks per turn Rune Armour : 3+ invulnerable save (210 pts) Asurmen Independent Character Fleet of Foot, Fearless, Eternal Warriors (Immune to Instant Death), Disciples (Dire Avengers), Defend, Bladestorm, Battle Fate (4+ invulnerable save) Wargear : avenger shuriken catapult, the sword of asur (230 pts) ELITES Striking Scorpions (16 pts) X 9 Exarch (28 pts) - Twin-linked chainsabres (+1 A and re-roll to hit/to wound) (10 pts) Stalker (5 pts) (182 pts) Fire Dragons (16 pts) X 9 Exarch (28 pts) - Firepike (8 pts) - Crack Shot (5 pts) - Tank Hunter (15 pts) (200 pts) TROOPS Dire Avengers (12 pts) X 9 Exarch (24 pts) - Two shuriken catapults (1 assult 4 catapult) (5pts) - Defend (15 pts) (152 pts) Dire Avengers (12 pts) X 9 Exarch (24 pts) - Two shuriken catapults (1 assult 4 catapult) (5pts) - Defend (15 pts) (152 pts) Dire Avengers (12 pts) X 9 Exarch (24 pts) - Two shuriken catapults (1 assult 4 catapult) (5pts) - Defend (15 pts) (152 pts) Dire Avengers (12 pts) X 8 Exarch (24 pts) - Two shuriken catapults (1 assult 4 catapult) (5pts) - Defend (15 pts) (116 pts) Rangers (19 pts) X 5 - Pathfinders (5 X 5) (25 pts) (120 pts) FAST ATTACK HEAVY SUPPORT Fire Prism (115 pts) (Hull Points 3) shuriken Cannon (10 pts) (125 pts) Fire Prism (115 pts) (Hull Points 3) shuriken Cannon (10 pts) (125 pts) Wraithlord (90 pts) Bright Lance (40 pts) Eldar Missle Launcher (25 pts) (155 pts) 1998 ----------------------------------- Independent Character to leave or join a group, be within 2". Can leave a group but can't join on the same turn. Cannot leave or join while he or the unit is locked in combat, falling back or gone to ground. *Look Out Sir (independent protecting indepedent) : independent chars pass look out sir rules on a 2+ *Heroic Morale : a unit that contains 1 or more independent units does not need double 1's to regroup/falling back if reduced to below 25% Special rules from the squad are given to the independent char unless specified in the rule itself. ) Look Out Sir (attached squad protecting the independent char ) : when wound or unsaved wound, attached squad member within 6" can attempted to protect. If no model is in range, can't. Roll D6. 4+ to be successful. Can be a model which is out of range or line of sight. Only one can be made per wound allocated. ------------------------------------- Eldrad Divination : after deployment, can reposition d3 + 1 units Eldritch Storm : 18" Fortune : 6" Guide : 6" Doom : 24" Mind War : 18" Shuriken Pistol : 12" Witchblade - armourbane (roll 2d6 for AP in close combat), fleshbane (always wound on a 2 up) Staff of Ulthamar - if not in assault, use 3 psychic powers per turn, wounds on 2+ and ignores armour saves. runes of warding - enemies using psychic roll 3d6, perils of warp on rolls of 12+ runes of witnessing - 3d6 discard highest roll for psychic test rune armour : 3+ invulnerable saves Asurmen Fleet of Foot (gives up shooting for running and still assault) Fearless Eternal Warriors (Immune to Instant Death) Disciples (Dire Avengers) Defend (enemy attacking loses 1 attack each assault phase to a minimum of 1) Bladestorm (can add 1 to number of shots each in squad make but if they do, cannot fire on subsequent shooting phase) Battle Fate (4+ invulnerable save) Striking Scorpions (2 Attacks from pistol) Shuriken Pistol : 12", S:4, AP:5, Pistol Scorpion Chainsword : +1 to strength Mandiblaster (adds +1A, so total of 3 attacks) Plasma Grenades Exarch - Twin-linked chainsabres (+1 A and re-roll to hit/to wound) Stalker (exarch and squad get move through cover) Fire Dragons Fleet of Foot (gives up shooting for running and still assault) Fusion Gun : 12", S:8, AP:1, Assault 1, Melta Melta Bombs Firepike : 18", S:8, AP:1, Assault 1, Melta Crack shot (exarch) - no cover saves from exarch, re-roll any failed to wound rolls when shooting Tank Hunter (all) - re-rolls failed AP rolls against vehicles and can choose to re-rolls glancing hits Dire Avengers Fleet of Foot (gives up shooting for running and still assault) Avenger Shuriken Catapult : 18", S:4, AP:5, Assault 2 Exarch - Avenger Shuriken Catapult : 18", S:4, AP:5, Assault 4 Defend (enemy attacking squad loses 1 attack each assault phase to a minimum of 1) Rangers - Pathfinders Infiltrate - deployed last, after friend and foe, anywhere but more than 12" from enemy and no line of sight, outflanking Move through Cover - no difficult terrain Stealth - any cover save gets +2, cover save of 6+ if in the open, maximum of a 2 up save Scouts - can redeploy up to 6", outflanking (can use in reserve) Fleet of Foot (gives up shooting for running and still assault) Ranger Long Rifle : 36", S:X, AP: 6, Heavy 1, Sniper (each to hit roll of a 6 results in a precision shot, shooting attack wounds on a to wound roll of a 4+ regardless of toughness; against vehicles, Strength 3), Pinning, Rending (D3 to strength if hit was a 6) (AP1 on a 5+) Shuriken Pistol : 12", S:4, AP:5, Pistol Wraithlord Monstrous Creature Shuriken Catapult : 12", S:4, AP:5, Assault 2 Flamer : Template, S:4, AP:5, Assault 1 Bright Lance : 36", S:8. AP:2, Heavy 1, Lance (reduces armour to 12 if higher) Eldar Missle Launcher : 48", S:8 AP:3(krak), S:4 AP:4(plasma), heavy 1, (pinning if plasma) Fireprism prism cannon : 60", S:9 AP:2(focussed) S:5 AP:4(dispersed), Heavy 1, Blast shuriken cannon : 24", S:6, AP:5, Assault 3