------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autarch •Heavy Aspect Armour 3+ save •Shuriken Pistol - 12" S4 AP5 Pistol, Bladestorm •Haywire - S2 AP- Haywire(on hit roll D6 (1 nothing, 2-5 glancing hit, 6 penetrating hit)) •Plasma Grenades - S4 AP 4 •Forceshield - 4+ invul save •Banshee Mask - causes fear & cannot be overwatched •Shard of Anaris - Str +2, Rending, Vaul's Work (fearless, in challenge fleshbane & instant death) •Phoenix Gem - 1 use only. if model killed, roll d6. 1 nothing, 2-6 large blast on model, each gets hit number of units under blast template, Str 4 AP 5. if 1+ unsaved wound is caused, model not removed •Battle Focus - run and shoot or shoot and run •Fleet - re-roll one or more dice when determining Run moves and charges •The Path of Command - modify reserve rolls by +1 or -1 Warlord Trait - ------------------------ Farseer •Rune Armour 4+ invuln save •Shuriken Pistol •Ghosthelm - if suffers wound from perils of warp, can prevent by spending 1 warp charge •Eldar Jetbike - 3+ armoursave, twin-linked shuriken catapult, move up to 2D6" in assault even if not charging and even if deep striking. turbo boots 36" •Uldanorethi Long Rifle - 120" SX AP3 Heavy 1, Sniper(ToHit 6 is Precision Shot(choose target), wounds on 4, against vehicles S3, Pinning and Rending) •Battle Focus •Runes of the Farseer - once each psychic phase, re-roll any # dice used in single Deny the Witch or Psychic test •Psyker 3 (daemonology(santic), divination, runes of fate, telepathy) - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TROOPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dire Avengers •Aspect Armour 4+ save •Avenger Shuriken Catapult - 18" S4 AP5 Assault 2, Bladestorm •Twin-Linked Avenger Shuriken Catapult •Plasma Grenades •Battle Focus •Fleet •Defence Tactics - when target of a charge, can choose to Overwatch at Ballistic Skill 2 or gain Counter-Attack and Stubborn •Counter-attack - when charged, must take leadership test. if successful, +1 to attack until end of phase •Stubborn - when taking morale/pinning tests, ignore negative leadership modifiers. •Battle Fortune (exarch only) - 4+ invulnerable save ------------------------ Rangers •Mesh Armour 5+ armour save •Ranger Long Rifle - 26" SX AP6 Heavy 1, Sniper •Shuriken Pistol •Battle Focus •Fleet •Infiltrate - deploy anywhere more than 12" from enemy with no line of sight or 18" in LOS, Outflank(roll for what side of table they come in on) •Move Through Cover •Shrouded - +2 cover save ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wave Serpent 1 •Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon - 24" S6 AP5 Assault 3, Bladestorm •Twin-linked Eldar Missle Launcher -plasma missles - 48" S4 AP 4 heavy 1, blast -starshot missles - 48" S8 AP 3 heavy 1 •Serpent Shield - penetrating hits on front and side become glancing on a 2+ - shoot shield once per game : 24" S6 AP- Assault 2D6, Ignores Cover, One Use Only, Strikedown(if inflicts unsaved wound or target passes one more more saving throws, targed knocked down: half initiative and moves as in difficult terrain until end of its next turn. not vehicles monstrous creatures) •Holo-fields - 5+ invul save unless immobilised fast + skimmer = can move 18" flat out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELITES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Dragons •Heavy Aspect armour - 3+ armour save •Fusion Gun- 6" S8 AP1 Assault 1, Melta(roll additional D6 to pen armour at half range) •Melta Bomb - S8 AP1 Armourbane, Unwieldy •Firepike - 18" S8 AP1 Assault 1, Melta •Battle Focus •Fleet •Assured Destruction - have a +1 modifier when rolling on vehicle damage table •Crack Shot (exarch) - re-roll one failed To Hit or To Wound roll or amour pen roll per turn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST ATTACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAVY SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- War Walker •Shuriken Cannon - 24" S6 AP5 Assault 3, Bladestorm •Power Field - 5+ invul save •Eldar Missle Launcher -plasma missles - 48" S4 AP 4 heavy 1, blast -starshot missles - 48" S8 AP 3 heavy 1 •Battle Focus •Fleet (dont unless no firing missle launcher) •Scout - after deployment but before first turn, can redeploy this unit within 6" of current location, Outflank ------------------------ Wraithlord •2 Flamers - Template S4 AP5 Assault 1 •2 Bright Lance - 36" S8 AP2 Heavy 1, Lance •Fearless •Monstrous Creature -Fear -Hammer of Wrath - on charge, if ends with base contact with enemy, 1+ attack that hits auto, resolved at model's unmodified str, AP- -Move Through Cover - roll extra D6 when rolling to move through difficult terrain -Relentless - can shoot heavy, salvo or ordinance wpns even if they moved -Smash - all close combat attacks other than hammer of wrath resolved at AP2