------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autarch •Heavy Aspect Armour 3+ save •Shuriken Pistol •Haywire/Plasma Grenades •Forceshield - 4+ invul save •Banshee Mask - on charge, enemies suffer -5 to intiative •Power Sword •Swooping Hawk Wings - jump unit type •Phoenix Gem - 1 use only. if model killed, roll d6. 1 nothing, 2-6 large blast on model, each gets hit number of units under blast template, Str 4 AP 5. if 1+ unsaved wound is caused, model not removed •Battle Focus - run and shoot or shoot and run •Fleet •The Path of Strategy - modify reserve rolls by +1 or -1 Warlord Trait - ------------------------ Farseer •Rune Armour 4+ invuln save •Shuriken Pistol •Ghosthelm - if suffers wound from perils of warp, can prevent by spending 1 warp charge •Mantle of the Laughing God - loses independent char, hit&run, shrouded, stealth, reroll failed cover saves •Eldar Jetbike - 3+ armoursave, twin-linked shuriken catapult, move up to 2D6" in assault even if not charging and even if deep striking. turbo boots 36" •Battle Focus •Fleet •Psyker 3 (divination, fate, telepathy) - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TROOPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dire Avengers •Aspect Armour 4+ save •Heavy Aspect Armour (exarch) 3+ save •Avenger Shuriken Catapult •Plasma Grenades •Battle Focus •Counter-attack - when charged, must take leadership test. if successful, +1 to attack until end of phase •Fleet ------------------------ Rangers •Mesh Armour 5+ armour save •Ranger Long Rifle •Shuriken Pistol •Battle Focus •Fleet •Infiltrate •Move Through Cover •Stealth - +1 to cover saves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wave Serpent •Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon •Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults •Serpent Shield - penetrating hits on front and side become glancing on a 2+ or shoot shield •Holo-fields - if vehicle moved in previous turn, gain +1 cover save fast + skimmer = can move 18" flat out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELITES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST ATTACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swooping Hawks •Aspect Armour 4+ save •Heavy Aspect Armour (exarch) 3+ save •Lasblaster •Sunrifle - blind - unit hit by weapon initiative test. if failed, WS BS reduced to 1 until end of their next turn •Haywire/Plasma Grenades •Grenade Pack - on deep strike, 1 model : 24" S4 AP4 Assault 1, Ignores Cover, Skyburst (no line of sight, unit more than 6 models, large blast template vs small) •Swooping Hawk Wings - jump unit type •Battle Focus •Fleet •Herald of Victory - does not scatter in deep strike •Skyleap - jump off board into reserves. start of movement phase when not locked in combat, falling back or carrying anything •Hit&Run - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAVY SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- War Walker •Two Shurriken Cannons •Power Field - 5+ invul save *Holo-fields •Scatter Laser - heavy 1, laser lock (if scatter laser hits, other weapons become twin-linked) •Eldar Missle Launcher -plasma missles - S4 AP 4 blast, pinning -starshot missles - S8 AP 3 pinning •Battle Focus •Fleet ------------------------ Vaul's Wrath Support Battery •Vibro-cannon - vibro - if unit hit by 2 or more vibro shots from same unit's shooting, str of all vibro hits increased by 1 for each hit beyond first (max 10), AP of all hits reduced by 1 for each hit beyond first (min 1) (if 3 hits, normally s7 ap4, becomes s9 ap2) •Mesh Armour (crew only) 5+ armour save •Shuriken Catapult (crew only) •Plasma Grenades (crew only) •Battle Focus (crew only) •Fleet (crew only)