Chapter Solo Mode Wolf Senses: Required rank 1 : Re-rolled failed perception based tests - counts as possessing Dark Sight trait however it doesn't apply if wearing helmet or sealed armour improvement - at rank 3 and above, the battle-brother adds +10 to all perception based tests; at rank 5 and above, he gains the Unnatural Perception X2 trait while using this ability at rank 7 and above, the battle-brother's senses are such that once per game session he can automatically pass any test based on perception, for purpose of opposed test the battle brother is considered to have rolled a 1 bonus talent : heightened senses - smell talent start with: perception +5 fellowship +5 wolf senses solo ability proud : duty/honour are important past experience : service in the fleet - has fought many battles among the stars power armour history : a fury like lighting - enhances & optimizes speed and dexterity : +5 bonus to agility, +1 initiative to rolls special abilities : wrathful descent : when making a charge against a horde, the assault marine may inflict an additional 1D10 damage to the horde's magnitude after a successful melee attack. This ability only functions in squad mode. ------------------------------------- rank 1 : 13,000-16,999 rank 2 : 17,000-20,999 rank 3 : 21,000-24,999 rank 4 : 25,000-29,999 rank 5 : 30,000-34,999 rank 6 : 35,000-39,999 rank 7 : 40,000-44,999 rank 8 : 45,000-49,999 --------------------------------------